STAGE 3 ELEMENTARY (1100 Headwors).Simple passive forms More extensive use of catenative verbs-like to, decide to, etc. Infinitives of purpose- Conditional forms Modal-could(ability)Modal-can(permission)-Abstract nouns Maximum of three adjectives verbs-+noun Two adjectives + adjectival phrase- Superlative forms of adjectives-Superlative form of adjectives+ adjectival clauses-Complex sentences main clause + one subordinate clause Adverbial clauses of time Relative clauses- Adverbial clauses of comparison Adverbial clauses of reason.Simple passive forms More extensive use of catenative verbs-like to, decide to, etc. Infinitiv of purpose- Conditional forms Modal-could(ability)Modal-can(permission)-Abstract nouns Maximum of three adjectives verbs-+noun Two adjectives + adjectival phrase- Superlative forms of adjectives-Superlative form of adjectives+ adjectival clauses-Complex sentences main clause + one subordinate clause Adverbial clauses of time Relative clauses- Adverbial clauses of comparison Adverbial clauses of reason.Simple passive forms More extensive use of catenative verbs-like to, decide to, etc. Infinitiv of purpose- Conditional forms Modal-could(ability)Modal-can(permission)-Abstract nouns Maximum of three adjectives verbs-+noun Two adjectives + adjectival phrase- Superlative forms of adjectives-Superlative form of adjectives+ adjectival clauses-Complex sentences main clause + one subordinate clause Adverbial clauses of time Relative clauses- Adverbial clauses of comparison Adverbial clauses of reason. 'Mr. Scrooge', he said the gentleman. 'I have come to ask for your help because it is Christmas. I want money to help the poor people who have no money and no homes'.Aren't there any prisons?' asked Scrooge. Aren't there any workhouses? Put these people in prisons and workhouses'.'But prisons and workhouses are very unpleasant places. I am sure you want people to have a merry Chrsitmas, replied the gentleman. I don't have a merry christmas', said Scrooge.'Christmas is nonsense. It's humbug! I don't believe in Christmas. I'm not giving money to anyone else so they can have a merry christmas.'