The Course Companion series has been designed to provide extra support for students of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.These resources aim to:- support students throughout the course with content and activities that illustrate the values and principles of the IB and the IB learner profile - encourage critical and creative exploration of topics- enhance knowledge of a variety of cultural and ideological perspectivesThe English A1 Course Companion has been adapted from English for the IB Diploma (published in 2004) and targets all areas of Language A1. With many new extracts, including those for the world literature component, this book provides a challenging and engaging resource for all students studying IB Language A1 in English. This book:- includes a new lively design with activities, quotations and cartoons throughout- provides examiner notes from student commentaries to help students learn how to respond to different types of assignments - contains a chapter devoted to theory of knowledge with separate chapters on the oral commentary, writing exam essays and the extended essay- includes a glossary of concise explanations of technical terms